2016-12-21 19:25:23   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(安徽八一纺织器材有限公司,安徽 潜山  246316)
中图分类号:TS104      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)S1-0001-05
The Principle of Compact Spinning and Optimization of Yarn Structure
LU Zongyuan
(Anhui Bayi Textile Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Qianshan 246316,China)
Abstract:To further explore what is in the compact spinning principle,analysis is done to some blind zone such as the“elimination of spinning triangle”theory in the interpretation of compact yarn“evenness increase”plus“gathering additional twist”.Investigation is made to the agglomeration area regarding optimization of airflow and a new spinning model.Discussion is made in detail of the agglomeration of spinning process in rotary airflow and additional twist forming process and compact yarn as well as the reason of hairiness reducing,strength and mass uniformity. The bilayered structure and the twisting form of the yarn are analyzed.It is pointed out that air compact spinning has less hairiness,high strength,good mass,but there are still some problems with high energy consumption and maintenance.Something must be done in the theoretical research for further optimizing the compact yarn forming.
Key Words:spinning triangular zone;agglomeration function;swirling flow;additional twist; hairiness;strength;evenness;compact-siro spinning;yarn structure
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相关热词搜索:原理 结构 成纱

上一篇:基于ANSYS Workbench的环锭细纱机机架材料研究

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