2013-02-27 09:28:20   来源:   评论:0 点击:

陆宗源(天津市格致科技开发有限公司,天津 300011;天问(上海)纺织新技术研发中心,上海 200092)摘要:研究了气流集束过程中的纤维运...
(天津市格致科技开发有限公司,天津  300011;天问(上海)纺织新技术研发中心,上海  200092)
中图分类号:TS103.81+4   文献标识码:A   文章编号:1001-9634(2011)01-0011-04
收稿日期: 2010-08-19
作者简介:陆宗源(1936—),男,上海人, 高级工程师,主要从事纺织机械方面的研究。
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[5] 苏旭中,杨世奎,谢春萍,等.集聚槽倾角对紧密纱质量的影响[J].棉纺织技术,2010,38(1):15-17.
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The Theory of the Air Cluster and the Yarn Structure in the Compact Spinning Process
LU Zong-yuan
(Tianjin Gezhi Technological Development Corporation,Tianjin 300011,China;Tianwen(Shanghai) New Textile Technology R&D Center,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract:Study is made to the fiber movement with the air cluster.Considering the air cluster theory,clustering process of the oblique yarn route,description is made to the theory of the compact spinning air cluster and the yarn forming feature.Through analysis of the siro-spun yarn structure and the prospect of the compact spinning process,a relation is obtained between the yarn structure and its performance.The feature of the duo-structure of the covering layer and the core layer.Suggestion is put forth that compact spinning should be further improved including energy economy and consumption reduction,maintenance cost reduction,process and the management for better yarn quality.
Key Words:compact spinning;air cluster;side pressure;aerofoil theory;covering layer;covering twist;core layer;structure

相关热词搜索:集聚纺 气流集束 结构


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