2022-04-18 16:03:18   来源:   评论:0 点击:


刘  超,郑敏博,王  慎,唐建东,徐红海
(新型环保复合面料湖北省重点实验室,湖北 襄阳  441002)
摘要:为了用好织造器材,介绍无梭织机用异形筘、综框、综丝和停经片的作用、材质和特性,详述其管理、维修和保养措施。指出:异形筘、综框、综丝和停经片等织造器材的性能直接影响生产效率和布面质量;筘按幅宽和筘齿密度编号,采用超声波清洗,放置室需保持通风干燥;综框下机后及时用高压气体喷枪吹净粉尘,清理侧档挂脚中接头部位的油污并加足润滑油;综丝严格按使用年限管理,根据经纱号数和织造难易程度使用;停经片遵循每隔2 a的使用时间用不同颜色分类和标记,根据纱线号数和织造难易程度选择使用;系统化、信息化管理、使用和规范化的维修保养,可延长织造器材的使用周期,降低生产成本,提高织造效率和产品质量。
中图分类号:TS103.82+4          文献标志码:B         文章编号:1001-9634(2022)02-0024-03
A Brief Talk on the Management and Maintenance of Weaving Accessories
LIU Chao,ZHENG Minbo,WANG Shen,TANG Jiandong,XU Honghai
(Hubei Key Laboratory of New Environment-friendly Composite Fabric,Xiangyang 441002, China)

Abstract:In order to make good use of weaving accessories,the function,material and characteristics of profiled reed,heald frame,heald and drop wires for shuttleless looms are introduced,and the management,repair and maintenance measures are described in detail.It is pointed out that the properties of profiled reed,heald frame,heald and drop wire have direct influence on the production efficiency and cloth quality.Reeds are numbered according to width and reed tooth density,and is cleaned with ultrasonic wave,and the chamber shall be kept dry and ventilated.The heald frame should be cleand with high-pressure gas spray gun after removed from machine,the grease in the joint part of the side gear hanger foot should be cleand,and the side gear should be fully lubricated;heald is strictly managed according to the service life and is used according to the warp number and weaving difficulty;drop wires are classified and marked with different color according to the use time of every two years,and should be chosen and used according to the yarn number and weaving difficulty;systematic and informationized management and use as well as standardized maintenance can prolong the service cycle of weaving accessories,reduce production costs,and improve weaving efficiency and product quality.
Key Words:weaving;profiled reed;heald frame;heald;drop wire;reed tooth;side gear;automatic drawing-in;yarn threading eye
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相关热词搜索:织造 异形筘 综框 综丝

上一篇:LS/XS 19.7 tex SJ品种纺纱锭速提升方法探析

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