2023-10-20 16:48:11   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(淮南联合大学,安徽 淮南  232038)
中图分类号:TS103          文献标志码:A           文章编号:1001-9634(2023)04-0013-05
Study on Liquid Dynamic Transfer Performance of Textile based on Infrared Technology
LI Shengkai
(Huainan Union University,Huainan 232038,China)
Abstract:In order to accurately evaluate the wear comfort of textiles,the advantages and disadvantages of imaging technology,sensing technology and dynamic moisture management instrument (MMT) in testing the dynamic water transfer process of textiles are analyzed,and a new liquid dynamic transfer measuring equipment and testing method based on infrared technology are proposed.The test principle and component information,experimental calibration,parameter definition and experimental method of the equipment are described in detail.The transfer rate and maximum absorbency rate of deionized water and soybean oil in knitted and non-woven samples are measured by the device and compared with the MMT test results.It is pointed out that the new liquid dynamic transfer rate tester has the characteristics of one-step measurement and no contact.It can measure the transfer rate of liquid in different directions on the textile surface,and the measurement results are close to the current standard measuring instrument MMT.Compared with MMT,it has a wider range of liquid applicability,and can be used for moisture transfer detection of textiles,films,paper,etc.
Key Words:infrared technology;knitted fabric;non-woven fabric;liquid dynamic transfer performance;dynamic water management instrument;moisture transfer rate;absorbency rate;infrared radiation
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