2015-09-13 11:39:03   来源:   评论:0 点击:

熊  伟1,周献珠2
(1.新疆沃普农业发展有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830011;
2.新疆轻工职业技术学院,乌鲁木齐  830021)
中图分类号:TS103.7+4   文献标志码:B   文章编号:1001-9634(2015)05-0047-04
作者简介:熊  伟(1967—),男(白族),湖南张家界人,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事纺纱与棉纤维研究。
The Relationship of Single Fiber Tester with the Control Standard of
Spinning Defects in the Preparation Section
XIONG Wei1,ZHOU Xianzhu2
(1.Xinjiang Good Harvest Agriculture Development Co.,Ltd.,Urumchi 830011,China;2.Xinjiang Vocational College of Light Industry,Urumchi 830021,China)
Abstract: As to the fallacy in the application of the single fiber tester,the project control standards of single fiber tester are established.In the spinning process,the importance of using single fiber tester is embodied establishing the standards of the defects and the hazard fiber,consequently a comprehensive index for quality control,a completion of quality control requirement of cotton layer or cotton wool or cotton mesh in the preparation section,a more experimental data support offsetting large capacity fiber tester and human visual control of fiber regarding semi-product defects and hazard fiber defects.It is pointed out that the single fiber tester as a feasible foundation makes the quality control normalized,however the number of tests must be increased to improve accuracy.For some defects,there is difficulty to identify,there are some errors,and testing environment may be a factor causing fluctuation of the semi-finished products,cotton yarn,fabric quality control defects and control standards.
Key Words:single fiber tester;hazard defect;hazard fiber;quality index;control standard

相关热词搜索:疵点 测试仪 纤维 控制


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