2015-07-14 10:06:48   来源:   评论:0 点击:

唐纯翼1,焦晶晶2,熊  3
(1.吉首大学 城乡资源与规划学院,湖南  张家界  427000;2.咸阳经纬织造机械有限公司,陕西 咸阳  712000;3.新疆沃普农业发展有限公司,乌鲁木齐  830011)
中图分类号:TS104.1+1      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2014)06-0058-05
The Fiber Waste and the Sliver Waste on the Defects of Cotton Fabric
TANG Chunyi1,JIAO Jingjing2XIONG Wei3
(1.College of Resources and Planning Sciences Jishou University,Zhangjiajie 427000, China; 2.Xianyang Jingwei Weaving Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Xianyang 712000,China;3.Xinjiang Good Harvest Agriculture Development Limited Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi  830011,China)
Abstract:In order to have a proper control of the fiber waste and sliver waste in the spinning mill for stabilized yarn quality with lower spinning cost,analysis of  the factors resulting in fiber waste and sliver waste finds the impacts of the fiber waste and sliver waste on spinning yarn and fabric. Introduction is done to the processing procedures of the fiber waste and sliver waste and the recycling rate.Sampling real production describes the impact of the fiber waste and sliver waste in different proportion on the defects in semifinished cotton sliver,finishied cotton yarn,and fabric material.It is clear that fiber waste and sliver waste in different proportion have some impacts on semi-finished product,cotton yarn,and fabric material.Conclsuion is made that regarding proper use of the waste fiber and sliver it is important to reduce fiber waste,sliver waste,to control the consumption of the same proportionally,to degrade the waste fiber and sliver in use according to the quality requirement of the yarn and fabric.It is also important to get familiar with the waste fiber and sliver.It is a very important means to stabilize quality of product with less cost.
Key Words:fiber waste;sliver waste;cotton yarn;semi-finished product;fabric;yield of end break; rate of short fiber;defect;hairiness index;neps;knitted fabric;degradation
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