2015-02-03 10:42:38   来源:   评论:0 点击:

朱兴学,安建江,赵德平,邵  焕
(无锡二橡胶股份有限公司,江苏  无锡  214193)
中图分类号TS103.82+3      文献标志码B      文章编号1001-9634(2015)01-0046-04
Application of Auxiliary Treatment of the Free-treatment Cots with Low Hardness Using Two-componet Coating
ZHU Xingxue, AN Jianjiang, ZHAO Deping, SHAO Huan
(Wuxi No.2 Rubber Co., Ltd., Wuxi 214193,China)
Abstract: In order to improve the spinning maturity of the treatment-free cots with low hardness, to stop the declination of surface membrane function and such for better spin ability and long service life, starting with the hose rubber formula system, highlighted discussion is done to the treatment-free surface characteristics with low hardness cots and the chemical and physical characteristics of the two-component coating. Detailed introduction is made to the selection of the two-component coating varieties and the coating process. It is pointed out that the two-component coating auxiliary treatment application of low hardness cots of free treatment is a simple and effective means, an adaptation of efficient process, expanding spinning variety while the ultraviolet light assisted process is more in line with the direction of environment friendly development .
Key Words: free-treatment cots with low hardness; formula system; two-component coatings; auxiliary treatment; maturity
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相关热词搜索:双组份 胶辊 硬度

上一篇:JAZ73A 型聚氨酯胶辊在涡流纺前胶辊的应用实践

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