JAZ73A 型聚氨酯胶辊在涡流纺前胶辊的应用实践
2015-02-03 10:12:12   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了提高纺纱质量,降低生产成本,以JAZ73A 型聚氨酯胶辊为例,分别在3个品种上与J490型胶辊对比测试;结果表明:JAZ73A 型涡流纺前胶辊稳定性好,变形系数低,复磨利用率高,寿命长,能稳
(浙江宏扬集团,杭州  311245)
摘要为了提高纺纱质量,降低生产成本,以JAZ73A 型聚氨酯胶辊为例,分别在3个品种上与J490型胶辊对比测试;结果表明:JAZ73A 型涡流纺前胶辊稳定性好,变形系数低,复磨利用率高,寿命长,能稳定成纱质量;在黄梅季节生产实践中通过了考验,具有推广价值。
中图分类号TS103.82+3      文献标志码B      文章编号1001-9634(2015)01-0050-03
The Application of the Polyurethane Cot JAZ73A as the Front Roller in the Votex Spinning Practice
CHEN Jianshi
(Zhejiang Hongyang Group, Hangzhou 311245,Chian)
Abstract: In order to improve the spinning quality with low production cost, sampling the polyurethane cot JAZ73A,comparative spinning is done on the three varieties of product with the cot J490.The result proves that the polyurethane cot JAZ73A as the front roller in the votex spinning practice performs well in stability, low coefficient of variation, high availability of regrinding and long service life, thus with stable quality. The polyurethane cot JAZ73A goes through the rainy season this year, thus worth a promotion.
Key Words: polyurethane cot; votex spinning; regrinding; rigidity; surface roughness; humiture; service life


相关热词搜索:胶辊 涡流 聚氨酯


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