2015-02-03 10:45:34   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(东华大学,上海   201620)
中图分类号:TS103.22+6    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001-9634(2015)01-0041-05
Optimized Design of the Ventilation System of the Roving Frame
XIA Chunming, CHENG Longdi, SHAO Yuanyuan
(Donghua University, Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract: In order to further improve product quality with less product defects, analysis is done to the ventilation system on the roving frames both at home and abroad regarding the design mode and the existing problems from the use of efficiency, mutual coordination operation, work methods. Considering the problems with the inservice ventilation system such as poor performance with high energy consumption, some modification suggestions are given herewith. Detailed introduction is made to the design principle of the optimized ventilation with system and the blower at the rear section of the frame regarding the specifications. The energy saving effect and economic benefit is compared before and after the optimization. It is pointed out that the optimized design of the roving frame with the improved electrical control, re-designed blowing suction line and the transformation of the rear fan, in the premise of not affecting the quality of products, the ventilation effect is satisfactory with obvious energy saving effect.
Key Words: roving frame; ventilation system; electrical improvement; pipeline optimization; energy saving
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