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(立达(中国)纺织仪器有限公司,江苏 常州  213022)
中图分类号:TS111.9            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2024)01-0017-07
Study on Carding Quality of Carding Roller in Rotor Spinning
YAN Ruian
(Rieter (China) Textile Instrument Co.,Ltd.,Changzhou 213022,China)
Abstract:In order to test the carding quality of different types of carding rollers,the characteristics of carding draft of carding roller and classification of carding roller are introduced.The influence of carding roller on carding draft is described in detail from the aspects of spinning box structure,air flow control and carding roller speed.Seven kinds of rack for carding roller are selected,and the lyocell fiber with smoother surface and more circular cross section and cotton fiber are used in the comparative test,the reliability of the fiber damage degree is verified by the fiber damage frequency difference analysis method.The results show that the overall quality of cotton yarn basically deteriorates with the decrease of the tooth density of card clothing,except for the G-type carding roller with the smallest tooth density,and the yarn quality is related to the type of carding roller,it is also affected by tooth geometry,surface roughness and its adaptability to feeding mechanism,exhaust channel and air flow state in fiber transport channel;the difference of the surface roughness of the rack for card clothing in the carding roller has little effect on the fiber damage,but has great effect on the yarn quality.
Key Words:rotor spinning;carding roller;carding quality;tooth shape;tooth density;fiber damage;frequency difference analysis
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上一篇:870 EX型涡流纺纱机优势分析及应用

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