2023-10-20 16:27:00   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(唐山三友集团兴达化纤有限公司,河北 唐山  063308)
中图分类号:TS152.6           文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)04-0026-03
Key Points of Transformation and Design of Conveying Device of Weight Hopper
LI Qiuling
(Xingda Chemical Fiber Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan Sanyou Group,Tangshan 063308,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the weighing accuracy,feeding uniformity and safety of the conveying device of weight hopper used in the production of stock liquid viscose,the function and work process of the weight hopper are introduced.According to the existing problems,the belt conveying device of the weight hopper is transformed into a spiral conveying device.Through the design and calculation of the main parameters of the spiral conveying device,the design points and the application effect after improvement are expounded.It is pointed out that after using the spiral conveying device in the weight hopper,the uneven discharge of lumps in the upper part and empty in the lower part of the belt conveying device is solved.The weighing accuracy of the weight hopper is increased from 0.8% to 0.4%,and the weighing is accurate and the discharging is smooth.It can save the cost and reduce the labor intensity of the workers,and can ensure the safe,continuous,stable and efficient operation of the production.The foundation of the successful transformation of the device lies in the in-depth and practical analysis of the problem and the detailed and accurate program design and calculation.
Key Words:viscose;yellowing;weight hopper;belt;alkali cellulose;spiral;weighing sensor;weighing accuracy


相关热词搜索:粘胶 黄化 称量斗 皮带

上一篇:TC 15型高产梳棉机技术特点及工艺优势

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