2023-04-11 10:34:53 来源: 评论:0 点击:
(河北宏润新型面料有限公司,河北 保定 071500)
关键词:毛羽;环锭纺;集聚纺;加捻三角区;毛羽指数;根数毛羽;粗纱定量;隔距块;钢丝圈中图分类号:TS101.91+4 文献标志码:B 文章编号:1001-9634(2023)02-0065-05
Test and Influencing Factors Analysis of Yarn Hairiness
DUAN Nawei,GUO Yajiao,ZHANG Zhiqiang,ZHANG Kunfeng
(Hebei Hongrun New Fabric Co.,Ltd.,Baoding 071500,China)
DUAN Nawei,GUO Yajiao,ZHANG Zhiqiang,ZHANG Kunfeng
(Hebei Hongrun New Fabric Co.,Ltd.,Baoding 071500,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce yarn hairiness and improve yarn quality,the formation mechanism of yarn hairiness in ring spinning and commpact spinning is described,and the detection method and principle of hairiness index H value and number hairiness are described in detail,and the effects of fiber linear density,length and stiffness on yarn hairiness are analyzed.Taking knitting yarn as an example,the influences of different roving weight per unit,spacer specifications and traveler types on yarn hairiness index H value and other yarn quality indexes are compared.It is pointed out that there is a great difference in the test results of hairiness by the tester of different principles and technical methods,and the same instrument should be used for evaluation.The roving weight per unit has great influence on the width of twist triangle area,the fiber length is the fundamental factor affecting yarn hairiness,and the traveler is the key factor affecting the hairiness increase in spinning process.In production,we should pay more attention to the selection of roving number,and fiber length in drawn sliver and roving,and determine the number and bow of traveler through test and comparison.
Key Words:hairiness;ring spinning;commpact spinning;twisting triangle area;hairiness index;number hairiness;roving quantity;spacer;traveler
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