2022-11-25 15:51:56 来源: 评论:0 点击:
(杭州精纱信息技术有限公司,杭州 311203)
关键词:条干均匀度;纱疵;纤维;排列结构;牵伸钳口;牵伸工艺;胶辊;胶圈;上销;温湿度;集束装置;卷捻;络筒;纱线质量中图分类号:TS104.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-9634(2022)S1-0043-10
作者简介:王学元(1969—),男,山东巨野人,工程师, 主要从事棉纺技术与产品质量管理方面的研究工作。
Discussion on the Cause of Yarn Unevenness and Yarn Defect
WANG Xueyuan
(Hangzhou Jingsha Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311203,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency of spinning and weaving and improve the appearance quality of cloth surface effectively,the main contents and factors of influencing yarn evenness and yarn defects in the aspects of raw material characteristics,process effect,drafting equipment,workshop temperature and humidity,operation,spinning frame winding system and winding process are expounded in detail.It is pointed out that the performance indexes and selection of raw materials should be emphasized to improve the yarn evenness and reduce yarn defects.The effect of opening and carding process,raw material mixing process effect and drafting process effect should be guaranteed to be good.To ensure the control strength and stability of the drafting roller nip on the fibers,configure new special parts and equipment in the drafting area to expand the width range of the additional friction field,improve the collection degree of cotton sliver by installing the bundle device,enhance the internal friction force field of cotton sliver,and regulate the self-cleaning device requirements of the drafting system.It is necessary to pay attention to the adjustment of temperature and humidity in the workshop to reduce its influence on the fiber surface properties and process efficiency.The operation is standardized to avoid damage to the normal fiber structure in cotton sliver due to improper operation,and to reduce the attachment defects of cotton sliver caused by the operation.It is necessary to pay attention to the shape and surface roughness of the related components of the spinning frame wi- nding system,to ensure the stable operation of the spinning equipment,and to strengthen the management of the winding process.
Key Words:evenness;yarn defect;fiber;arrangement structure;drafting roller nip;drafting process;cot;apron;top apron cradle;temperature and humidity;bundle device;winding and twisting;winding;yarn quality
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