2023-04-11 10:41:12   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(纺之远(上海)纺织工作室,上海  200063)
中图分类号:TS103.12+5            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)02-0058-07
作者简介:倪  远(1955—),男,上海人,高级工程师,主要从事棉纺技术、纺织机械方面的研究。
Working Mode Design and Cost Performance Analysis of Spinning Splitter
NI Yuan
(Sincerity(Shanghai)Textile Studio,Shanghai 200063,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the R&D and application of spinning splitter, the R&D elements of the splitter are introduced,the adaptability and requirements of the splitter to the track walking,ground rail walking,ground walking,energy supply,yarn breaking detection and roving stop feeding,spindle brake,balloon ring,yarn guide hook,up clearer roll,doffing response,blowing and suction fan under the working mode of fixed machine and cross-machine are analyzed.The concrete scheme of two working modes  of fixed two-side operating and cross-machine operating of the splitter is put forward from the aspects of cost priority and performance priority,and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed by comparing their configurations.Based on the balance point of the configuration cost of ten thousand spindles of two modes,the single virtual price of the splitter is calculated and the applicability of the two modes is judged,and other auxiliary functions of the spinning frame are extended.It is pointed out that there are great differences in the application effect of the spinning splitter with different working modes and technological routes,and there are great differences in the cost performance of the splitter analyzed and evaluated from different perspectives.The selection of working mode,design and application of splitter must be regarded as a system engineering operation.The new application of new technology and new project in the industry requires adaptation process,understanding method and evaluation system,and should be improved by matching the design concept and user needs.
Key Words:spinning splitter;working mode;operating;moving;configuration of ten thousand spindles;circuit cycle;joint time;single virtual price
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