2022-03-11 15:14:35 来源: 评论:0 点击:
倪 远
(纺之远(上海)纺织工作室,上海 200063)
关键词:环锭细纱机;自动接头机;“十三五”规划;“十四五”规划;细纱断头;用工;生产率;应用;研发周期;值车巡回周期;投资回收周期中图分类号:TS103.7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-9634(2021)04-0054-07
Development and Prospect of Automatic Splitter for Ring Spinning Frame
NI Yuan
(Sincerity(Shanghai)Textile Studio,Shanghai 200063,China)
Abstract:In view of the development direction of spinning splicing technology in the 13th Five-Year Plan and the 14th Five-Year Plan of textile industry,the development history and present situation of splitter are introduced.The reasons for the setback in the research and application of the splitter in the last century and the current research and development opportunities are discussed.Based on the analysis of the splitter exhibited in ITMA2019 and its applicable related technologies,the research and application of the splitter are reconsidered,and the calculation method directly related to the application effect and investment cost of the splitter is put forward.It is pointed out that new R&D cycle of the splitter for ring spinning frame has come,and the R&D should optimize working mode and technology route;solving the yarn broken end operation problem,saving labor and improving the machine productivity should be synchronous development;it is put forward that operator circuit cycle and investment recovery period are the main parameters related to application effect and investment return.NI Yuan
(Sincerity(Shanghai)Textile Studio,Shanghai 200063,China)
Key Words:ring spinning frame;automatic splitter;the 13th Five-Year Plan;the 14th Five-Year Plan;spinning broken end;labor;productivity;application;R&D cycle;operator circuit cycle;investment recovery period
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