2021-08-12 15:39:01   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(陕西长岭纺织机电科技有限公司,陕西 宝鸡  721013)
中图分类号:TS103.62       文献标志码:B        文章编号:1001-9634(2020)S1-0053-04
Analysis of  Application Effects of the Single Spindle Monitoring System YM-1 for Cotton Ring
Spinning Frame
FU Xiaofeng

(Shaanxi Changling Textile Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721013,China)
Abstract:To solve the problem that it is difficult for ring spindle worker to find out the problem spindle in time,which leads to low production efficiency and unstable product quality of ring spinning frame,the classification,principle,advantages and disadvantages of the photoelectric and electromagnetic single spindle monitoring methods are analyzed,the system composition and modular design principle of the single spindle monitoring system YM-1 are discussed form the aspects such as monitoring devices,actuators,cables and fittings and data analysis,and the application effects are probed into from the aspects such as basic functions,expansion functions,investment and return.It is pointed out that the single spindle monitoring system for ring spinning frame can monitor the spindle running condition accurately in real time,locate the position and quantity of breakage in time,and comprehensively analyze the monitoring results,so as to improve the spinning quality and production efficiency.The single spindle monitoring system YM-1 for ring spinning frame adopts photoelectric monitoring and modular design,which can not only saves labor and materials,but also reduces user input through modular design,so that its functions can be expanded and extended.
Key Words:cotton spinning;ring spinning frame;YM-1;single spindle monitoring;monitoring device;modular design;roving stop;effect
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相关热词搜索:棉纺 环锭细纱机 YM-1型


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