2015-06-11 16:30:10   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(金轮科创股份有限公司,江苏 南通  226009)
中图分类号:TS103.82+1      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2014)04-0021-04
The Design & Manufacture and the Assembling Characteristic of the New Combing Cylinder
JIANG Yongsheng
(Geron Co., Ltd.,Nantong 266009,China)
Abstract:In order to cater the high speed combing frame for the substitution of the overseas cylinder for the domestic product,analysis is done to the difference of cotton combing cylinders of overseas make and domestic make in manufacturing and application.Introduction is made to the new domestic combing cylinder regarding the design specialty.Highlight is given to the description of the new domestic combing cylinder introduced by the R&D center of Geron Co.,Ltd.,regarding the tech-breakthrough in blank rolling,wire punching and quenching in addition to surface treatment.Factors plus genral caution with selection of cylinder and top comb are induced.Conclusion is made that the new series cylinder product is very close to the products of Graf and STAEDTLER+UHL in process.The self-clean and punching performance of the wire is inhanced.The rolling straightness of the blank,the sharpness of the wire,the surface roughness are improved in a steady way.The combing cylinder should be selected according to general regulation and adjusted if necessary.Further research should be done to the arrange conformity of the blank and uniformity of the quenching structure.
Key Words:cotton combing cylinder;top comb;wire;density;blank rolling;punching & quenching; quenching structure;selection regulation
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相关热词搜索:锡林 精梳 设计制造


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