2020-07-07 11:11:47   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(苏州市纺织工程学会,江苏 苏州   215004)
中图分类号:TS102    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1001-9634(2020)02-0056-06
作者简介:缪定蜀(1948—),男,南京人, 高级工程师,主要从事纺纱工艺、设备、新产品等方面的研究。
Ways to Solve the Problem of Poor Spinnability of New Fibers
MIAO Dingshu
(Suzhou Textile Engineering Society,Suzhou 215004,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the design and production efficiency of new fibers,the performance of many mainstream new fibers are introduced,the mechanism of friction static affecting smooth operation of fibers and factors affecting static and non-static of new fibers are analyzed from the aspects of fiber specific resistance,electrostatic potential sequence,surface morphology and section shape,conductivity,temperature and humidity,and spinnability of chemical fiber which is not polyester,nylon,spandex,terylene,polypropylene, vinylon and acrylic.According to the physical and chemical properties of the fibers,the new fibers are classified,and the regular processing method is established as a practical main template,create a secondary template docking with the main template to decompose the spinnability levels of different types of fibers.The ways to increasing spinnability of new fibers are described in detail from three aspects of general principles,problem points,and control the generation of static electricity.It is pointed out that the spinnability and production efficiency of most new fibers are poor,mainly because of the strong effect of fiber friction and static electricity and the poor fiber cohesion.There are so many factors influencing the static electricity of fiber,so it is necessary to classify fiber,explore regular processing methods and establish practical templates,which can provide reference for continuous improvement of production process.The general principle of improving the spinnability of fibers is to solve the problems of reducing rolling,winding, breaking and difficult to transfer in fiber processing,and to solve the spinnability of new fibers should focus on raw material procurement,process optimization and make a good plan.
Key Words:new fiber;spinnability;differentiation;template;specific resistance;antistatic;cohesion;high modulus
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