2015-06-11 21:03:49   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(1.卡莱(梅州)橡胶制品有限公司,广东 梅州514759;2.中山大学 管理学院,广州510006;
3.南京师范大学 经济与工商管理学院,南京210042;4.上海钮硕电子科技有限公司,上海201600)
中图分类号:TS103.82          文献标志码:B           文章编号:1001-9634(2015)S1-0054-07
Reflection on China’s Manufacturing Industry from the Zero Inventory
Management of Supply China
DONG Peng1, WU Juwen2, JIN Qinghua3,YU Zebin4
(1.Calle (Meizhou) Rubber Products Co.,Ltd.,Planning Department,Meizhou 514759,China;
2.Management School Zhongshan University,Guangzhou 510006,China;3.College of Economics and Business Administration,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;
4.The IE Department Shanghai Niushuo Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201600,China)
Abstract:To correctly carry out the enterprise inventory management,analysis is done to the zero inventory management in the manufacturing industry and the practical application of the same regarding the existing misunderstandings and the management situation.Through reasonable evaluation of zero inventory management and the risk involved,a basic method of zero inventory risk management is introduced.Conclusion is made that enterprises should combine their own production and operation mode in a scientific and reasonable way to reduce inventory with the true meaning and function of the correct understanding of zero inventory instead of blindly pursuing zero stock,so as not to affect the normal production and operation.It is necessary to do probing into inventory management from the perspective of supply chain,clarifying the idea of zero inventory management of enterprises for theoretical support and the correct direction of the reasonable inventory practice.
Key Words:zero inventory;manufacturing;supply chain;reasonable inventory;risk prevention
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相关热词搜索:库存管理 供应链 制造业


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