2015-05-27 15:44:35   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(东华大学,上海   201620)
中图分类号:TS103.11+5      文献标志码:    文章编号:1001-9634(2015)03-0001-07
Analysis of Yarn Tension  To  on the Balloon Top in the Ring Spinning Process
ZHOU Bingrong
(Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:To make clear the relationship between the balloon tension To and the involved factors,this paper shows that the yarn-curve for balloon is nearly a sinus in definition domain [0,π],on analyzing the 3D equation for balloon by only considering the centrifugal force,and finds the tension parameter pz and  pp of 2D balloon deduced from the formula of tension parameter p.So the yarn-curve shape and balloon tension can be determined,consequently with the yarn tension To =2pp2.The yarn tension To  follows changes of balloon height h and winding diameter dw during spinning in one lift.An example with calculating shows that as the bobbin base diameter amplifies,the yarn tension To of the bobbin drops in bottom,grows steadily in middle,and rises rapidly in top.In the spinning with constant tension,the tension To keeps constant,which yet allows spindle speed ω variation;variation along with balloon height h called basic control,i.e.is const.Variation along with winding diameter dw called layer-by-layer control,i.e. is const.In the end of the paper,a sketch of spindle speed variation is schemed as an example.
Key Words:ring-spinning process;the law of spindle speed variation; yarn tension;control;balloon
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相关热词搜索:气圈 环锭 张力


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