2023-11-15 11:45:12   来源:   评论:0 点击:

姜晓晶,朱玉飞,黄若愚(金轮针布(江苏)有限公司,江苏 南通 226143)摘要:为了减少油烟污染、改善车间环境,总结金属针布齿条在线退火

(金轮针布(江苏)有限公司,江苏  南通  226143)
中图分类号:TS103.82+1           文献标志码:B           文章编号:1001-9634(2023)05-0032-04
MCC Rack Quenching Oil Fume Treatment Method
JIANG Xiaojing,ZHU Yufei,HUANG Ruoyu
(Geron Gard Clothing(Jiangsu)Co.,Ltd.,Nantong 226143,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce oil fume pollution and improve the workshop environment,the production of oil fume caused by on-line annealing and quenching of MCC rack are summarized.The oil fume treatment measures are put forward from the aspects of cleaning device,quenching temperature,oil fume exhaust device,oil fume purification and chimney device of MCC rack,and the improvement effects are analyzed.It is pointed out that the oil fume pollution in the workshop can be greatly reduced,the working environment can be improved,and the oil fume emission can meet the standard by taking measures such as using compressed air and air nozzle combined with purging to reduce the oil content on the surface of the MCC rack,adopting centralized oil supply to reduce the oil temperature,increasing the length of the quenching oil pool to improve the cooling capacity,adopting automatic slag-discharging centrifugal oil purifier to improve the cleanliness of the quenching oil,adopting high-voltage electrostatic oil fume purification equipment,and installing an chimney device at the back end of the fan.
Key Words:MCC rack;oil fume;annealing;quenching;oil fume purification;emission
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相关热词搜索:金属针布齿条 油烟 退火


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