2023-02-08 14:45:57   来源:   评论:0 点击:


刘晨芳a,徐剑桥b,汪  a,陈  a,江  a
(东华大学 a.纺织学院;b.环境科学与工程学院:上海  201620)
中图分类号:TS104.7+1            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)01-0026-04

Study on the Appearance Law of Environmental Protection Denim Rotor Yarn
LIU Chenfanga,XU Jianqiaob,WANG Juna,CHEN Xiaa,JIANG Huia
(a.College of Textiles;b.College of Environmental Science and Engineering:Donghua University,Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:In order to explore the appearance color law of environmental protection denim rotor yarn and reduce the environmental pollution problems in the production of denim fabric,the double carding denim rotor yarn with the same ratio of black and white color fibers and different mixing times is spun on the double carding spinning machine with black and white viscose slivers as raw materials.The experimental scheme and spinning process used in the experiment are described in detail,and the appearance and structure of yarn is explored using MATLAB image processing technology.The denim fabric styles under different fiber ratio and weaving process conditions are verified.It is pointed out that the appearance color of double carding denim rotor yarn is distributed at intervals along the axial direction and has randomness.When the ratio of black and white fibers is 50/50,more black fibers are distributed on the surface of the large diameter spinning rotor than that of the small diameter spinning rotor.In the same rotor circumference,the proportion of white fiber decreases first,then increases and then decreases along the axis of the yarn.The uneven color distribution of double carding denim rotor yarn is caused by the uneven mixing of the two fibers in the rotor.
Key Words:rotor;double carding;denim yarn;image processing technology;uniformity of blending
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相关热词搜索:转杯 双分梳 牛仔纱


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