2015-03-05 09:41:42   来源:   评论:0 点击:

王  莉1,李国锋2
(1.阿克苏地区高级技工学校,新疆 阿克苏  843001;
2.阿克苏职业技术学院,新疆 阿克苏  843000)
关  键  词:现代棉纺企业;机织用纱;针织用纱;纱线指标;布面检测
中图分类号:TS101.9      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2014)03-0040-03
Probing into the Constitution of the Yarn Quality Index for Modern Enterprises
WANG Li1,LI Guofeng2
(1.The Aksu High Vestibule School,Aksu 843001,China;
2.Aksu Vocational College,Aksu 843000,China)
Abstract:Analysis is done to the imminence of the constitution of the inner quality index for modern enterprises,probing is done into the yarn quality regarding testing method and the advantages and the disadvantages.Highlight is given to the control index for weaving use and knitting use.Conclusion is made that the instrument inspection and the fabric inspection is a couple of complementarity,yielding to the quality requirement of the customer.It is necessary to constitute a general yarn quality index appraising system combining the instrument inspection and the fabric inspection as an objective image of the fabric quality for information of the downstream process.
Key Words:modern cotton enterprise;yarn of weaving use;yarn of knitting use;yarn index;fabric inspection
作者简介:王  莉(1980—),女,河南延津人,讲师,主要从事纺织机电、设备工艺与纺织保全专业教学。
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相关热词搜索:棉纺 纱线 指标


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