2022-03-24 16:09:08   来源:   评论:0 点击:


郑升圆,李  响,刘 
(沈阳宏大纺织机械有限责任公司,沈阳  110141)
中图分类号:TS105.1            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2021)06-0022-04
Application of the Secondary Development of SolidWorks Based on VB in the
Navigation System of Loom Weaving
ZHENG Shengyuan,LI Xiang,LIU Di
(Shenyang Hongda Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110141,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the coordination of the loom between shedding,weft insertion, weft beating,let-off and winding,the structure of the loop forming mechanism of the towel machine is introduced,and the three-dimensional solid model of its movement is converted into a two-dimensional plane sketch to facilitate data collection and processing conveniently;the loom weaving navigation system and its development process for the secondary development of SolidWorks based on VB are discussed to establish the accurate,fast and efficient collection and sorting of massive data in the weaving process.It is pointed out that taking the towel weaving navigation system as an example,the secondary development of SolidWorks is carried out using VB as the language platform,which can automatically complete the whole process of the control parameters adjusting of the loop forming mechanism,coordinating the moving parts,and measuring the length of the warp;the data collected by automatic testing program is basically consistent with manual measurement data,and its accuracy can meet the requirements of the weaving navigation system;the system realizes the output of the data to a file for storage,which improves the efficiency of data collection.
Key Words:loom;weaving navigation;towel machine;loop forming mechanism;VB;SolidWorks;the secondary development
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