2015-02-04 15:46:11   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了满足三维织物织造要求,介绍了织机开口型式、选择依据以及电子开口机构的特点、工作原理,并对安装32页综框的电子开口机构进行虚拟样机模拟及仿真,以织造2D 平纹织物为例进行分析
(西安工程大学  机电工程学院,西安  710048)
摘要为了满足三维织物织造要求,介绍了织机开口型式、选择依据以及电子开口机构的特点、工作原理,并对安装32页综框的电子开口机构进行虚拟样机模拟及仿真,以织造2D 平纹织物为例进行分析。指出:三维织机理想的开口机构是采用多综眼综丝和多页综框相结合的方式;电子开口机构的综框运动规律较好,由单独伺服电机控制;合理设置电机运行函数,可织造2D平纹、斜纹、缎纹及复杂的3D织物。
中图分类号:TS103.113       文献标志码:A       文章编号:1001-9634(2015)01-0012-04
作者简介韩斌斌(1985—),男,河北泊头人,硕士,主要研究CAD/CAE/CAM 及虚拟样机技术。
The Design of the 3D Shedding Mechanism
HAN Binbin, WANG Yixuan, LU Chao, ZHAO Mei
(The Mechtronic Engineering College Xi’an Polytechnic University, Xi’an 710048,China)
Abstract: In order to meet the requirement of 3D woven fabric, introduction is made to the loom shedding forms as to the selection basis and the characteristics of the electronic shedding mechanism, the working-how. The virtual prototyping simulation is done to the mounting electronic shedding mechanism with 32 herald frames, sampling the weaving 2D woven fabric as an example for analysis. It is pointed out that the ideal 3D loom shedding mechanism is equipped with combination of heddles with multi eyes and multi herald frame. The electronic shedding mechanism of herald frame is in regular motion, driven by separated servo motor. Proper setting of the motor running function can produce plain weave, twill, satin and 2D complex, even 3D fabric.
Key Words:3D loom; electronic shedding mechanism; connecting rod; servo motor; multi herald
frame; multi eye heddles; simulation; movement law; 2D plain; 3D fabric
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相关热词搜索:三维织机 电子开口机构 连杆


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