2013-05-27 17:37:16   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(邯郸纺织机械有限公司,河北 邯郸  056019)
中图分类号:TS103.8    文献标识码:A    文章编号:1001-9634(2011)04-0007-04

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Development and Application of the New Tow Drying Roller
GAO Zhan-yong 
(Handan Tex-machinery Corporation,Handan 056019,China)
Abstract:Comprehensive analysis is done to the structure of the commonly-used tow drying rollers of both clip type and siphon type in addition to the related problems.Combined with the advantages of the above-said tow drying roller,a new tow drying roller is introduced with the approach into the structure and the application effect.The advantages of the new tow drying roller are as follows:simple structure,easy installation,good insulation,small water accumulation with speedy roller,and more,the ring cavity is not liable to accumulate water,consequently the consumption of the saturated steam is reduced with the desired roller temperature.The production cost is reduced and the continuity and stability of production maintained.The above-said tow drying roller has been widely used in the production of the special fiber.
Key Words:tow;drying roller;structure;bounce;water accumulation;temperature;saturated steam;stability;application

相关热词搜索:新型 丝束 烘干


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