2018-11-21 17:42:19   来源:   评论:0 点击:

白  雪1,路红星2
(1.《纺织器材》杂志社,陕西 咸阳  712000;2.河南省辉纺纺织有限公司,河南 辉县  453600)
中图分类号:TS104.1+3      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2018)05-0054-04
作者简介:白  雪(1979—),女,陕西咸阳人,副编审,主要从事科技期刊编审、纺织器材及专配件领域信息采集等方面的研究。
Wise Carding to Improve the Spinning Efficiency
BAI Xue1,LU Hongxing2
(1.The Editorial Department of Textile Accessories,Xianyang 712000,China;2.Henan Huifang Textile Co.,Ltd.,Huixian 453600,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the efficiency of spinning and reduce the negative effects of carding process on the downstream processes and yarn quality,discussion is done from three aspects including carding accessories,carding process and the evolution of the licker-in system.The concept of wise carding is put forward,that is,when the fibers are thoroughly carded,the force of the fibers is uniform and soft,and the transverse flow and damage of fibers can be avoided as much as possible.The example of unwise carding with reduction of efficiency claims the requirement of wise carding on the design of carding machine,and the development trend of the licker-in system of the carding machine is put forward.This shows that the increase of carding machine and cylinder speed are of positive correlation,but the speed difference between the cylinder and the licker-in should not be too much.It is pointed out that the scientific concept of carding is the foundation of advanced carding accessories,process and carding machines.Wise carding covers thorough carding and soft carding.The progress of the carding accessories make the wise carding process stable for a long time,but it should match the wise carding process according to the characteristics of the fiber,scientific cognition of the fiber stress in the carding process works out a wise carding scheme.
Key Words:carding accessories;carding process;wise carding;thorough carding;soft carding;fiber damage;speed ratio;speed difference
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