2017-12-06 17:31:24   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(金轮针布(江苏)有限公司,江苏 南通  226009)
摘要:为了控制弹性盖板针布梳针出现平顶或圆顶,提高弹性盖板针布的加工质量和梳理质量,分析弹性盖板针布梳针平顶出现的原因及其对梳棉生条质量的影响,对以相切、相切、半径作圆和以起点、终点、半径作弧两种压磨方式下的梳针弧形半径、弧形针尖后角与平顶长进行对比,得出梳针弧形半径与平顶长的控制范围,分析砂带压磨与砂轮压磨磨针工艺,提出弹性盖板针布磨针的4种方案并进行优选,将改进磨针工艺后的弹性盖板针布在不同纤维、不同厂家进行纺纱实践。指出:梳针弧形半径R大于0.60 mm、平顶长b不大于0.075 mm的尺寸临界区,对减少和消除弧形针尖平顶或圆顶有利;改进磨针工艺后的弹性盖板针布棉结、杂质显著降低,梳针弧形针尖的穿刺锋利度有效性延长6个月,为弹性盖板针布产品梳理周期的进一步提高提供了理论依据。
中图分类号:TS103.82+1      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)06-0001-06
Influence of the Wire Profile of the Fillet Flat Clothing on Carding Effect
(Geron Card Clothing(Jiangsu)Co.,Ltd.,Nantong 226009,China)
Abstract:To avoid flattened or dome top of the wire of the fillet flat clothing for better fabrication and carding quality,analysis is done to the causes resulting in flattened top of wires of the fillet flat clothing on carding sliver.The radius and the flattened arc length are fixed for circular formation according to the tangent and radius,and the arc formation according to the starting point,the end point and the radius.Comparison analysis is done to the two grinding methods regarding wire arc radius,the back angle of the wire arc relative to the length of the flat top of the wire,and the range of the arc radius and the length of the flat top is fixed.Four kinds of schemes grinding fillet clothing wire are optimized and trial production is done with the fillet flat clothing after the improvement of the grinding process in different factories with varieties of fibers.It is pointed out that when the critical area is formed with the arc radius R of more than 0.6 mm,and flat top length b less than 0.075 mm,is helpful eliminating the flattened or domed top of wires.When the grinding process is improved for the fillet flat clothing,neps and impurities drop markedly.The effectiveness of wire piercing ability extends for another six months,providing a theoretical basis for further improving the fillet flat clothing product.
Key Words:fillet flat clothing;wire profile;carding effect;arc radius;wire tip;fine side grinding;grinding method
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相关热词搜索:针布 盖板 弹性


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