2017-12-06 17:09:48   来源:   评论:0 点击:

侯  令,沈自国
(江苏怡人化纤纺织有限公司,江苏 仪征  211900)
中图分类号:TS103.82      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)S1-0028-02
作者简介:侯  令(1982—),男,江苏仪征人,工程师,主要从事纺织技术及工艺等方面的研究。
Optimization of Textile Accessories for Better Product Competitiveness
HOU Ling,SHEN Ziguo
(Jiangsu Yiren Chemical Fiber Textile Co.,Ltd.,Yizheng 211900,China)
Abstract:To reduce the consumption of cots,improve yarn quality,introduction is done to the requirements of condition room of cots,and comparison is made to the rollers LXC-66 and J-463 on spinning quality.As to the spinning quality of cots either brush coated or plate coated,comparison of spinning quality with the new flexible apron together with the extended top cradle and cots of varieties of diameter shows that the use of domestic cots LXC-66 and LXA-62 plus the surface treatment technology,can reduce yarn evenness CV value and accessories consumption,stablize the spindle difference CVb value.It is pointed out that textile accessories should be optimized before textile production,surface treatment highlighted,fine management executed,the potential of man and material explored.Try to get benefit from management and energy saving.
Key Words:cots;aprons;coating treatment;lextended top cradle;yarn quality;energy saving and consumption reduction
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相关热词搜索:竞争力 器材 纺织


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