2017-12-06 16:48:11   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(东华大学,上海  200051)
中图分类号:TS103.82+1      文献标志码:A      文章编号:1001-9634(2017)05-0001-09
网络出版时间:2016-10-08 09:30
Discussion on Wear Mechanism of MCC
XU Jianliang
(Donghua University,Shanghai 200051,China)
Abstract:To prolong the service life of MCC,and to develop high wear-resistant MCC wires,introduction is done to the current domestic study of MCC wear mechanism and the research on wear test and microstructure of several different materials of new metal clothing.Through electron microscopic morphology observation of combing roller MCC wires and wear,determination is done to vortex spinning and electro-spinning,and the wear mechanism is extracted.Factors of wear resistance,texture,microstructure and surface roughness are surposed to be the influence factors of wear of MCC.It is pointed out that in the conventional spinning,wear of MCC results mainly from soft abrasive repeated impact fatigue and oxidation corrosion.Secondly from plough wear while in electrostatic spinning,wear of MCC on combing roller mainly results from electrochemical corrosion;and in chemical fiber spinning,both of the above-said factors are included,which illustrates that the main factors influencing wear of MCC include oxidation rack surface skin,surface roughness,steel materials,metallographic structure,high yield and high speed carding machine with small gauge,strong carding spinning technology and spinning environment of high humidity,providing information for research of material selection, manufacturing and surface treatment of MCC and prolong the service life of MCC.
Key Words:MCC;wire;wear mechanism;carding roller;abrasive wear;impact fatigue wear;oxidation corrosion; electrochemical corrosion;surface roughness;metallographic structure
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相关热词搜索:针布 机理 金属


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