涡流纺T/CJ 65/35 18.22 tex纱短粗节的成因与控制
2017-09-20 10:06:07   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了解决涡流纺T CJ 65 35 18 22 tex纱易产生短粗节,影响布面效果的问题,以涡流纺纱的成纱机理和两种原料纤维的性能差异为突破口,从原料选用、工艺流程及其配置,设备、器材维护及环境等
(天津工业大学 纺织工程系,天津300387)
摘要:为了解决涡流纺T/CJ 65/35 18.22 tex纱易产生短粗节,影响布面效果的问题,以涡流纺纱的成纱机理和两种原料纤维的性能差异为突破口,从原料选用、工艺流程及其配置,设备、器材维护及环境等角度分析问题产生的原因,并制定多种控制措施。指出:因涤/棉混纺纱纤维长度和性能差异较大,导致成纱后纱线结构波动较大,易产生短粗节;通过严格控制短纤维含量,改善混纺纤维的性能差异,加强纤维梳理力度,合理分配各道并条牵伸倍数,优化工艺流程及配置,规范运转操作法,制定合理清洁、检查周期,适宜的温湿度环境等,可减少纤维损伤,解决短粗节问题并保证成纱质量;新纤维、新材料与纺纱新技术的有机结合,可丰富涡流纺纱品种结构,但一些纤维与品种在涡流纺生产上还存在技术局限性,应紧贴生产需求,不断总结经验,持续攻关。
中图分类号:TS104.2  文献标志码:文章编号:1001-9634(2017)04-0033-04
Causes and Control of Short Thicks in Vortex Spun YarnT/CJ 65/35 18.22 tex
MA Chunqin
(Department of Textile Engineering Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387,China)
Abstract:To solve the problem with vortex spun yarn T/CJ 65/35 18.22 tex such as the tendancy to produce thicks influencing cloth surface outlook,with the work how of vortex spinning process and the performance difference of two kinds of fiber materials as a breakthrough,from material selection,process flow and configuration,equipment,equipment maintenance and environment protection.Analysis is done to the causes of the thick problems,and a variety of control measures is introduced.It is pointed out that short thicks problems results from big difference of fiber length of polyester/cotton blended yarn and fiber performance difference,resulting in yarn structure fluctuations,consequently produce thicks.Through strict control of the short fiber content,improvement the performance difference of blended fibers,strengthening the fiber carding strength,reasonable distribution of each drawing draft multiply,optimization of process flow and configuration,specification operating method,regularized cleaning and inspection cycle,plus proper humiture control,fiber damage can be reduced,short thicks be avoided,and yarn quality be ensured.The combination of new fibers,new materials and new spinning technology,can enrich vortex spinning varieties,but there are limitations in some varieties of fiber technically,hence continuous close to the production demand research is needed with comprehensive experience collection.
Key Words:vortex spinning;short thicks;performance difference;process configuration;short fiber;control measures
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