2016-07-26 22:57:39   来源:   评论:0 点击:

沈  慧1,陈玉峰2
(1.杭州精纱信息技术有限公司,杭州  311203;2.光山白鲨针布有限公司,河南 光山  465450)
中图分类号:TS103.11+2      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2016)04-0053-04
作者简介:沈  慧(1969—),女,河南周口人,工程师,主要从事纺纱工艺与质量方面的研究。
Probing into the Process of Mark Rubbing Formation and Carding in Speck Yarn Production
SHEN Hui1, CHEN Yufeng2
(1.  Hangzhou Fine Yarn Info-technology Co.,Ltd.,Hangzhou 311203,China;2.Guangshan White Shark Card Clothing Co.,Ltd.,Guangshan 465450,China)
Abstract:In order to improve quality of the speck yarn,introduction is made to the features of the speck yarn and the key technical points in speck yarn production. Analysis is done to the mark rubbing formation process including the features,carding process,clothing configuration and control of the mark size.Probing is done into the speck yarn regarding the carding process configuration and the control of the same.It is pointed out that there are drastic difference between the process of the mark rubbing formation and the spinning.Comprehensive rubbing is needed before the mark forms.Spinning should be done after the protection of the color mark carding and drafting.Mark formation should be in conformity with the five prerequisites of the carding frame with negative control while positive control is needed in carding process.Special marks form with the unique feature and style by means of the designed process and control measures.It is pointed out that the design of carding process is the key point spinning speck yarn with special marks.Speck yarn is evaluated in a fuzzy way,sensing the difference from the design.Protection of mark formation and the carding process is a random operation as a key control of process design and product quality.It is necessary to make mark formation carding in conformity with design by means of reasonable process,equipment modification,and clothing selection, and the unique style demand of the speck be met.
Key Words:speck yarn;color mark;rubbing;carding process;carding control;evaluation
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相关热词搜索:彩点纱 梳理 揉搓


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