气动加压V 型牵伸细纱机实施重定量大牵伸工艺的生产实践
2015-02-04 15:09:28   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了探讨在气动加压摇架V 型牵伸细纱机上实施重定量、大牵伸生产工艺的效果,分析了其机理并通过在FA506型细纱机上使用创新型牵伸元件,优选细纱牵伸工艺参数纺R T 60 40 9 8 tex纱实践,从减
计万平,周   慧
(武汉江南实业集团有限公司,武汉   430415)
摘要:为了探讨在气动加压摇架V 型牵伸细纱机上实施重定量、大牵伸生产工艺的效果,分析了其机理并通过在FA506型细纱机上使用创新型牵伸元件,优选细纱牵伸工艺参数纺R/T 60/40 9.8 tex纱实践,从减小前纺设备配置,节约用工及产品质量3个方面对其应用效果进行了评估。试验表明在满足成纱质量的前提下,气动加压摇架V 型牵伸细纱机纺R/T 60/40 9.8 tex纱完全具备采用重定量大牵伸生产工艺的基本条件,粗纱定量可由2.8 g/(10 m)增至5.1 g/(10 m),且对成纱条干质量和常发性纱疵的改善均十分有利;虽然实施5.1 g/(10 m)重定量生产工艺的条干CVb 值和平均强力下降,有害毛羽明显增多,但是通过合理调整粗纱定量和细纱总牵伸倍数,也能够生产市场要求较高的纱线品种。指出在FA506型气动加压摇架V 型牵伸细纱机上采用较大的粗纱定量,在减少前纺设备开台、节约生产用工、节能降耗、提高生产效率方面能够发挥较显著的作用。
关 键 词:压力棒上销;曲面下销;胶辊;气动加压;摇架;V 型牵伸
中图分类号:TS103.2      文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2015)00-0034-07
网络出版时间:2014-07-30 11:54
Application Practice of the Spinning Frame of Pneumatic Cradle with V-draft in Production with the Process of Heavy Ration with Big Draft
JI Wanping, ZHOU Hui
(Wuhan Jiangnan Industrial Group Corporation, Wuhan 430415,China)
Abstract: With the aim of approach into application effect of the spinning frame of pneumatic cradle with V-draft in production with the process of heavy ration with big draft, analysis is done to the working mechanism. Evaluation is done to the effect of spinning practice with the spinning frame FA506 in spinning yarn R/T 60/40 9.8 tex with the innovated draft parts and the optimized draft process from the three aspects including reduction of the equipments in the pre-spinning section. It proves that considering the yarn quality, spinning yarn R/T 60/40 9.8 tex with the frame of pneumatic cradle of V-draft can be equipped with the process of heavy ration with big draft. The roving ration can be increased from 2.8 g/(10 m) to 5.1 g/(10 m),consequently improving the mass regular faults dramatically. It can not be denied that the CVb and the even strength decrease and the hairiness increase markedly with process of heavy ration 5.1 g/(10 m),proper regulation of the roving ration and the general draft multiply of the spun yarn can also assure the production of the products that meet the market demand. It is pointed out that the spinning frame FA506 with pneumatic cradle of V-draft if using bigger roving ration, the frame has a big potential in reduction of the equipment in the pre-spinning section, labor economy and energy economy and increase of the production rate.
Key Words: weighting top cradle; bent top cradle; cot; pneumatic; cradle; V-draft
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相关热词搜索:牵伸 细纱机 气动


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