2023-12-01 11:43:16   来源:   评论:0 点击:


黄  华,周小飞
(无锡宏大纺织机械专件有限公司,江苏 无锡  214161)
中图分类号:TS103            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)S1-0012-04
作者简介:黄  华(1977—),男,江苏启东人,工程师,主要从事纺织机械设计与工艺、信息化管理等方面的工作。
The Practice of Integration of Informatization and Industrialization in Textile Machinery Parts Industry
HUANG Hua,ZHOU Xiaofei
(Wuxi Hongda Texparts Corporation Limited,Wuxi 214161,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the process of integration of informatization and industrialization in textile machinery parts industry,the importance of the integration of the two and the strategic goal of the country to promote the integration of the two are introduced,and three focus for enterprises to promote the integration of the two,namely intelligent products,intelligent production and intelligent service are put forward.Taking their own enterprises as an example, the choice of the focus of the integration of the two and the four principles of promoting the integration of the two are shared,the practical route and specific practices for enterprises of the integration of the two are analyzed in detail.The relationship between the integration of the two and the management system of the integration of the two are distinguished.It is pointed out that the integration of the two is a long-term project,we should refer to and learn from the advanced experience of peers,first find the focus or direction,and then combine the enterprise’s own positioning and the basis of the two strategic planning,while adhering to the principle of seeking truth from facts,the principle of pilot first,the principle of talent reserve,and promote the continuous integration of informatization and industrialization in a planned and step-by-step way.
Key Words:integration of informatization and industrialization;textile machinery parts;informatization;industrialization;intelligent manufacturing;focus points;management system
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相关热词搜索:两化融合 纺织机械专件


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