2023-12-01 11:45:48   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(上海市老科学技术工作者协会 纺织专业委员会,上海  200031)
中图分类号:TS103.11+2            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)S1-0008-04
Progress of Carding Technology in the Great Change of Textile in 50 Years
LIU Guli

(Shanghai Association of Senior Scientists and Technicians,Branch of Textile Technology,
Shanghai 200031,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the progress of carding equipment and technology in China,the development and innovation of carding technology in the past 50 years are analyzed in detail and the development trend of carding technology is summarized from the aspects of the changes of carding machine speed,production capacity,operation and maintenance,the changes of the popularity of blowing-carding unit,the changes of the serialization of card clothing and metal card clothing rack for carding machine,and the influence of carding technology innovation on carding machine.It is pointed out that the structure of high-yield carding machines presents a variety of changes,and the carding quality and efficiency are significantly improved.Domestic blowing-carding unit has reached the international advanced level,and the proportion of application has increased significantly;the metal card clothing rack forms serialized products matching with different raw materials,varieties and carding processing requirements;the emergence of new materials and new processes bring new breakthroughs of carding technology,and carding machines are developing towards the direction of digitization,networking,intelligentization and green,and an automatic flow line of blowing-carding-drawing unit sliver production will be formed with carding machines as the center.
Key Words:carding;carding machine;blowing-carding unit;card clothing;card-drawing unit;digitization;intelligentization
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相关热词搜索:梳理 梳棉机 清梳联


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