2024-11-13 16:08:36 来源: 评论:0 点击:
张昌贺,杜 宇
(天津工业大学,天津 300387)
关键词:三维编织;三维编织机;复合材料:力学性能;预制体中图分类号:TS103.33+7.9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-9634(2024)05-0061-07
Development Status of Three-dimensional Braiding Technology and Application of
its Composite Materials
ZHANG Changhe,DU Yu
(Tiangong University,Tianjin 300387,China)
its Composite Materials
ZHANG Changhe,DU Yu
(Tiangong University,Tianjin 300387,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the development of three-dimensional braiding technology and broaden the application of three-dimensional braiding composite materials,the types of three-dimensional braiding forming equipment are introduced and the advantages and disadvantages of different three-dimensional braiding machines are analyzed.The four-direction,five-direction,six-direction,seven-direction and so on structures of three-dimensional braiding are elaborated in detail and the advantages and disadvantages of different braiding machines are compared.The properties of three-dimensional braiding composite materials are analyzed from the aspects of mechanical properties and damage mechanism,the application directions of three-dimensional braiding composite materials are summarized,and the development trends of three-dimensional braiding technology are prospected.It is pointed out that factors such as production demand,specific application scenarios,cost budget,technical capacity and so on need to be comprehensively considered when selecting the three-dimensional braiding machine and the three-dimensional braiding structure.In the future,three-dimensional braiding composite materials will develop in the direction of technological innovation and equipment upgrade,braiding structure innovation and optimization,composite materials performance improvement and application expansion,sustainable development and environmental friendliness,interdisciplinary cooperation and innovation and so on.Three-dimensional braiding composite materials have great development potential and application prospect.
Key Words:three-dimensional braiding;three-dimensional braiding machine;composite materials;mechanical properties;prefabrication
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