2023-02-08 15:08:37   来源:   评论:0 点击:


熊  伟1,秋黎凤2,白  雪2
(1.海南沃普农业科技发展有限公司,海南 三亚  572019;2.陕西纺织器材杂志社有限责任公司,陕西 咸阳  712000)
中图分类号:TS111.9            文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)01-0009-06
作者简介:熊  伟(1967—),男(白族),湖南张家界人,高级工程师,主要从事棉花与纺纱等方面的研究。
Review and Prospect of Cotton Development and Spinning Progress
XIONG Wei1,QIU Lifeng2,BAI Xue2
(1.Hainan Growing Agriculture Technology Development Co.,Ltd.,Sanya 572019,China;
2.Shaanxi Editorial Department of Textile Accessories Co.,Ltd.,Xianyang 712000,China)
Abstract:In order to promote the development of Chinese cotton and the technology progress of textile industry,the development changes of Chinese cotton are expounded in five aspects,such as the change of cotton planting area and yield,the influence of mechanization and automatic production technology on cotton,the factors of the development of cotton varieties and quality control,the impact of the breakthrough of mulching film technology,drip irrigation technology and processing technology on the quality of cotton production.The influence of cotton on the development of spinning are analyzed from three aspects of the influence of cotton output on the scale,form and varieties of spinning,the requirements of cotton quality on spinning equipment and accessories,the influence of cotton quality on the quality control of spinning,and five points of consideration on the development of Chinese cotton and spinning are put forward.It is pointed out that the development of cotton breeding and planting technology,the use of mulching film and drip irrigation technology,the change of instrumental inspection and machine picking have greatly improved the yield and quality of cotton,promoted the diversification of spinning forms and varieties,accelerated the automation,digitalization and intelligent level of spinning equipment and spinning accessories,and can meet the requirements of diversified fabrics. It is the top priority to ensure the stable development and virtuous circle of the textile industry to overcome the excessive investment of textile enterprises and avoid the emergence of low-end equipment and low-end products.
Key Words:cotton;yield and quality;mulching film technology;drip irrigation technology;textile equipment;textile accessories;diversification
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相关热词搜索:棉花 产质量 地膜技术


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