2023-02-08 14:50:29   来源:   评论:0 点击:


倪  1,刘广喜2
(1.纺之远(上海)纺织工作室,上海  200063;2.北京众仁智杰科技发展有限公司,北京 100176)
中图分类号:TS103.7             文献标志码:A            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)01-0015-08
作者简介:倪  远(1955—),男,上海人,高级工程师,主要从事棉纺织技术、纺织机械方面的研究。
Application and Development of Yarn Sliver Monitoring Technology of Ring Spinning
NI Yuan1,LIU Guangxi2
(1.Sincerity(Shanghai)Textile Studio,Shanghai 200063,China;2.Beijing Zhongren Zhijie Technology Development Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100176,China)
Abstract:In order to respond to the development direction of spinning information and intelligence in the 13th and 14th Five-Year Plan of textile industry,yarn sliver monitoring technology of ring spinning with low investment cost,convenient maintenance and management,online real-time warning and statistics is explored.The application status,classification and related thinking of electromagnetic and photoelectric real-time single spindle detection methods are introduced.By comparing various technical schemes,the principle,application,industry demand and trend of real-time and non-real-time monitoring of ring spinning yarn quality are analyzed by taking OptiSpin single spindle guide hook yarn sliver moving optical path monitoring system and traveling yarn visual identification monitoring equipment as an example.In view of the key restricting factors of the application of yarn sliver monitoring technology in spinning frame,the digital signal yarn sliver real-time monitoring system is put forward by innovation and the principle and advantage of digital signal yarn sliver break detection system,digital signal yarn sliverbreak detection and yarn sliver monitoring system are analyzed in detail.It is pointed out that the development and application of spinning information and intelligent technology should be guided by the process technology route and follow the principle of multiple signal acquisition functions,convenient signal processing and low system cost.The digital signal yarn sliver real-time monitoring system can collect the working status and yarn quality information of spinning spindle in multiple ways,realize the real-time status information and quality information monitoring of single spindle,and provide basic information collection for the information and intelligence of the main spinning project.
Key Words:yarn sliver monitoring technology;broken end detection;spindle speed detection; yarn sliver diameter;information collection;investment cost;real-time monitoring;photoelectric detection;electromagnetic detection;visual recognition;yarn sliver digital twin
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相关热词搜索:纱条监测技术 断头检测


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