2022-04-15 09:35:00 来源: 评论:0 点击:
(1.天津工业大学 机械工程学院,天津 300387;2.天津市现代机电装备技术重点实验室,
天津 300387;3.河南昊昌精梳机械股份有限公司,河南 开封 475500)
中图分类号:TS112.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-9634(2022)01-0056-07
Development and Research Status of Drive Mechanism of Comber
LIU Jinru1,2,LI Xinrong1,2,YUAN Jianguo3,MA Qianli3
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387,China;
2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Mechatronics Equipment Technology,Tianjin 300387,China;
3.Henan Haochang Combing Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Kaifeng 475500,China)
LIU Jinru1,2,LI Xinrong1,2,YUAN Jianguo3,MA Qianli3
(1.School of Mechanical Engineering,Tianjin Polytechnic University,Tianjin 300387,China;
2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Advanced Mechatronics Equipment Technology,Tianjin 300387,China;
3.Henan Haochang Combing Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Kaifeng 475500,China)
Abstract:In order to further improve the speed and spinnability of comber,the influence of drive mechanism changes of nipper,cylinder and detaching roller on carding process of comber is introduced,and the form and future research direction of drive mechanism of detaching roller are discussed emphatically.It is pointed out that clamp plate drive mechanism is changing from lower support point type to upper support point type and then to middle support point type,the change of carding gauge is getting smaller and smaller,and carding effect is getting better and better.At present,the research of middle support point type carding mechanism is mainly to reduce the inertia force of nipper by optimizing the crank radius of nipper and process parameters.Cylinder drive mechanism from constant speed spur gear transmission to variable speed elliptic gear transmission can solve the problem that constant speed cylinder cotton layer raising time is not enough;research of variable speed cylinder mainly is the research to further balance and optimize the inertia force and improve the elliptic gear research;among the four driving modes of detaching roller,the mode of hybrid driven not only can make the motion of detaching roller flexible and high speed,but also can effectively avoid the problem of high requirements for servo motor.The research of optimization design and control method is the focus of the development of detaching roller drive mechanism in the future.
Key Words:comber;cylinder;nipper;detaching roller;drive mechanism;comb;gauge;constant speed;variable speed;hybrid driven
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