基于Faster rcnn的棉麻纱混纺比自动检测
2020-07-07 11:36:49   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了解决人工检测棉麻纱混纺比存在主观性强且要求检测人员经验丰富的问题,提出利用Faster rcnn目标检测网络进行棉麻纱混纺比自动检测;通过制作数据集,训练得到Faster rcnn模型,并对模型
肖登辉a,李立轻a,b,汪  军a,b
(东华大学 a.纺织学院;b.纺织面料技术教育部重点实验室:上海  201620)
摘要:为了解决人工检测棉麻纱混纺比存在主观性强且要求检测人员经验丰富的问题,提出利用Faster rcnn目标检测网络进行棉麻纱混纺比自动检测;通过制作数据集,训练得到Faster rcnn模型,并对模型进行评估;通过Faster rcnn模型在棉麻混纺纱的试验,在测试集上的平均精度的均值(mAP)为0.905,在实验中验证检测的棉麻混纺比与实际标准值的误差基本吻合。指出:利用Faster rcnn网络模型作为自动化检测棉麻纤维核心算法具有可行性和可靠性;该检测方法精度高,在制样以及图片采集过程中存在耗时、耗力的问题,需持续改进。
关键词:Faster rcnn;目标检测;棉纤维;麻纤维;混纺比;图像;模型
中图分类号:TS131.9    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1001-9634(2020)03-0001-04
Automatic Detection of Blending Ratio of Cotton and Hemp Blended Yarn Based on Faster Rcnn
XIAO Denghuia,LI Liqinga,b,WANG Juna,b
(Donghua University a.College of Textile;b.Key Laboratory of Textile Science & Technology Ministry of Education:Shanghai 201620,China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of manual testing the blending ratio of cotton and hemp blended yarn,which has strong subjectivity and requires rich experience of detection personnel,Faster rcnn target detection network is proposed for automatic detection of the blending ratio of cotton and hemp blended yarn.By making data sets,Faster rcnn model is received by test and evaluated.The average precision (mAP) on the test sets is 0.905 in the test of cotton and hemp blended yarn using Faster rcnn model,and the error between the detected cotton and hemp blended ratio and the actual standard value is basically consistent in the experiment.It is pointed out that using Faster rcnn network model as the core algorithm for automatic detection of cotton and hemp fibers is feasible and reliable.The detection method has high precision,but there are problems of time consuming and force consuming in the process of sample making and picture collection,which need continuous improvement.
Key Words:Faster rcnn;target detection;cotton fiber;hemp fiber;blending ratio;image;model
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