2020-07-07 11:16:38   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(东营市宏远纺织有限公司,山东 东营  257500)
中图分类号:TS103.11    文献标志码:B    文章编号:1001-9634(2020)02-0028-04
作者简介:胡振龙 (1969—),男,山东东营人,高级技师,主要从事纺纱设备维修管理工作。
网络出版时间:2019-06-19 10:56
Practice of Reducing Neps and Short Fibers in Blowing-carding Process
HU Zhenlong,ZHAO Weihua,ZHANG Chengying,GAI Guangli
(Dongying Hongyuan Textile Co.,Ltd.,Dongying 257500,China)
Abstract:In order to give full play to the advantages of blowing-carding unit,and reduce the content of neps and short fibers of sliver,nep factors and the influence of quality indicators such as maturity,defects,linear density and moisture of raw cotton on neps are analyzed,and the influence of beater speed of each unit and process gauge in blowing-carding process on neps and short fibers are analyzed.Process of each unit are optimized with AIFS experiment datas,and operation and maintenance points of blowing-carding unit are emphasized.It is pointed out that the quality control of blowing-carding is a systematic project,which should be started from the aspects such as raw cotton selection,process technology,operation management to strengthen the process tests and inspection control,so as to control the neps and short fibers of blowing-carding in the required range.Adjusting the speed of all beaters of blowing-carding,choosing and matching the type of card clothing,optimizing the gauge of each part,and maintaining and using the equipments according to the technical characteristics of the equipments and the inherent quality of the raw cotton can effectively control neps and short fibers to improve the quality of the raw cotton.
Key Words:blowing-carding unit;carding sliver;raw material properties;gauge;short fiber;neps;carding accessories;beater speed
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