2013-02-27 09:58:50   来源:   评论:0 点击:

张华荣,郑林海(山西经纬纺织机械专件有限公司,山西 晋中 030601)摘要:为了提升我国纺织专件的性能、质量和服务水平,提高制造企业的...
(山西经纬纺织机械专件有限公司,山西 晋中  030601)
中图分类号:TS132.8      文献标识码: A      文章编号:1001-9634(2011)01-0056-03
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My Tentative View on the Development of  China Tex-parts Manufacturing Industry
ZHANG Hua-rong,ZHENG Lin-hai
(Shanxi Jingwei Textile Machinery Parts Corporation,Jinzhong 030601,China)
Abstract:In order to upgrade the performance,quality and service of China textile parts for better enterprise manufacturing competitiveness,analysis is done to the enterprises of textile parts both at home and abroad including their performance,run system,management mode,production development,production promotion.Highlight is given to the measures upgrading the competitiveness of the enterprises manufacturing textile parts.Some measures is given to upgrading the mode of the profit gaining,modification of system performing.Quality upgrading is  of the same importance as the reinforcement of the price-and-performance ratio with lower production cost.Enterprise management  should be system enterprising oriented for more talents.Self-technology creation system should be established.Only by doing so,can the competitiveness of China textile parts enterprises be upgraded.
Key Words:textile parts;hi-technology;promotion;system;management;cost;talent

相关热词搜索:纺织专件 制造业 发展

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