T 11.8 tex强捻纱在络筒工序的生产实践
2014-02-20 15:38:48   来源:   评论:0 点击:

针对T 11 8 tex强捻纱纤维强力高、抱合力差、捻接质量难以保证,以及因蒸纱定捻不到位易造成大量纬缩疵布的问题,介绍了该品种在络筒工序的生产流程,总结了强捻纱在络筒工序的生产要点
(西北一棉纺织股份有限公司,陕西 咸阳  712000)
摘要:针对T 11.8 tex强捻纱纤维强力高、抱合力差、捻接质量难以保证,以及因蒸纱定捻不到位易造成大量纬缩疵布的问题,介绍了该品种在络筒工序的生产流程,总结了强捻纱在络筒工序的生产要点;主要探讨在稳定筒纱质量的前提下,T 11.8 tex高难品种在No21C型自动络筒机上的生产工艺和措施,以及蒸纱参数的设置;指出,经过大胆有效地尝试,该品种捻接长度为2.5 cm,线径为原纱1.2倍,强力达原纱80%以上,捻接外观质量达到了要求,蒸纱后纬缩疵布消除。
中图分类号:TS104.32         文献标志码:B         文章编号:1001-9634(2014)01-0044-02
Production Practice of the Heavy Twisted Yarn T 11.8 tex in the Winding Process
WANG Haitao
(The Northwest Cotton Mill No.One Textile Corporation,Xianyang 712000,China)

Abstract:As to the problems with heavy twisted yarn T 11.8 tex including high tension,poor cohesion,instable splicing quality and filling contraction resulting from inadequte steaming and twist fixing,introduction is made to the production flow of the heavy twisted yarn in the winding process.Summerization is given to the essentials in the winding process with the heavy twisted yarn.Main approach is made into the the heavy twisted yarn T 11.8 tex under the desired winding quality,which is processed with the auto-winding frame No21C as well as the settings.It is pinted out that through trial production,the splicing length of the heavy twisted yarn is fixed at 2.5 cm with the diameter 1.2 that of the origin and tension above 80% of the origin.The splicing appearance quality reaches as desired.The fault filling contraction is eliminated after steaming.
Key Words:heavy twisted yarn;splicing quality;winding;specification of steaming;filling contraction
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相关热词搜索:强捻纱 络筒 蒸纱参数 纬缩


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