2023-04-11 14:36:33   来源:   评论:0 点击:


刘  凯,韦金平
(经纬智能纺织机械有限公司,山西 晋中  030601)
中图分类号:TS103.11            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2023)02-0028-04
作者简介:刘  凯(1985—),男,河南商丘人,工程师,主要从事环锭细纱机研发工作。
Study and Analysis of High-speed Spinning Technology of Ring Spinning
LIU Kai,WEI Jinping
(Jingwei Intelligent Textile Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Jinzhong 030601,China)
Abstract:In view of the characteristics such as low spinning speed,high energy consumption and improving production by increasing the number of spinning spindle,the existence form of twisting number and revolution number of twisting are introduced,and the twisting function of traveler from the principle of action is analyzed.Taking the movement magnetic levitation traveler,magnetic levitation ring and driving rotary ring as examples,winding scheme and key points of improving speed of ring spinning are discussed.The structure,technical difficulties and application effects of the suspension type active false twist winding device are analyzed.It is considered that the suspension type active false twist winding device does not produce friction heat and speed instability,and is easy to implement high-speed spinning.To eliminate the traveler and replace the passive sliding of the traveler with active rotation of the ring,the problems of poor running and flying of the traveler in the state of high-speed rotation are solved.Implement ring spinning fixed air ring height technology and automatic joint robot technology can replace the yarn breaking detection technology,greatly improve the spinning speed of ring spinning,and enhance the automation and intelligent level of spinning workshop.It is pointed out that the bottleneck of speed increase of ring spinning lies in the winding forming system.The passive sliding mode of traveler on the ring track has become the restriction factor of high- speed and intelligent spinning frame.It is only a theoretical principle and model to replace the structure of ring and traveler with a suspended active false twist winding device,which needs further exploration.
Key Words:ring spinning;magnetic levitation;active ring;traveler;false twist;winding;active controllable rotation
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