2022-03-22 17:18:03   来源:   评论:0 点击:

为了减少突发性长细节纱疵,详细分析了并粗工序与细纱工序产生突发性长细节纱疵的6个案例,即集束器吸条子造成的不规律长细纱疵、严重机械波造成的Cm CCm纱疵异常

(舞钢市龙山纺织科技有限公司,河南 舞钢  462500)
中图分类号:TS101.9            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2021)05-0034-03
Control of Sudden Long Thin Places Defects in Drawing Roving and Spinning Process
WEN Yamei,ZHAO Zhifeng,LIU Li
(Wugang Longshan Textile Technology Co.,Ltd.,Wugang 462500,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce the sudden long thin places defects,six cases of sudden long thin places defects in drawing,roving and spinning process are analyzed in detail. The cases include the irregular long thin places defects caused by condenser suctioning the sliver,the abnormal Cm/CCm yarn defects caused by severe mechanical waves,the unexpected drafting caused by poor operation of back cots in roving,the regular thin places caused by wear of the keyway and key of the back roller head in roving,the frequent splitting of slivers on the roving overhead and the thin slivers caused by the roving stop feeding device colliding with the back cots,etc.The causes of the problems are explored and solutions are proposed.The results show that the long thin places defects are comprehensive reflection of various basic spinning tasks.According to the specific causes of different yarn defects,scientific operation methods should be formulated,and equipment problems should be corrected in time to make long thin places defects disappear.Resolving long thin places defects is a systematic work,so we should carry out more activities to catch and prevent defects,and deal with abnormalities in time in daily life.
Key Words:long thin places defect;finisher-drawing;roving;spinning;condenser;Cm/CCm cutting defects;mechanical wave;thin sliver;wrong count
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相关热词搜索:长细节纱疵 末并 粗纱


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