2022-03-22 17:08:19   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(河南新野纺织股份有限公司,河南 新野  473500)
摘要:为提高自动络筒机的生产效率,从自络设备状况、自络工艺、管纱成形等方面的不良表现分析制约自络生产效率提升的因素;从自络设备基础管理、自络工艺设计、前纺与细纱质量管理、温湿度管理和配棉工艺,以及自络挡车工技术和责任心5方面阐述提高自络生产效率的措施。指出:提高自动络筒机效率是一项系统工程,应从人、机、料、法、环各方面排查原因、制定措施并落实;通过攻关试验,抓好自络工序的设备管理、捻接工艺和清纱工艺设计,做好前纺、细纱工序质量控制和温湿度管理等,自络效率由60%提升到85%,自络产量由20 t/d提升到35 t/d以上。
中图分类号:TS103.321             文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2021)05-0037-03


Practice of Improving the Production Efficiency of Automatic Winder
ZHOU Haimin
(Henan Xinye Textile Co.,Ltd.,Xinye 473500,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the production efficiency of automatic winder,the factors for restricting the improvement of the production efficiency of automatic winding are analyzed from aspects such as the condition of automatic winding equipment,automatic winding process and bobbin yarn forming.The measures to improve the production efficiency of automatic winding are expounded from five aspects of basic management of automatic winding equipment,automatic winding process design,quality management of front spinning and spinning,temperature and humidity management and cotton assorting process,and technology and sense of responsibility of automatic winding workers.It is pointed out that it is a systematic project to improve the efficiency of automatic winder.The reasons should be investigated,the measures should be formulated and implemented from the aspects of human,machine,material,method and environment.Through the research test,the equipment management of automatic winding process,splicing process and yarn cleaning process design,the quality control of the front spinning and spinning process and the temperature and humidity management are well done.The automatic winding efficiency is increased from 60% to 85%,and the automatic winding output is increased from 20 t/d to more than 35 t/d.
Key Words:automatic winder;automatic winding;empty spindle;splicing;yarn cleaning;spinning yarn;cotton assorting;temperature and humidity
[1] 任欣贤,薛少林,谢建彬.棉纺生产技术350问[M].北京:中国纺织出版社,2007.
[2] 王俊英.保证自络生产效率,从六大方面做好管纱质量的控制[EB/OL].[2019-07-31].纺织器材在线,https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ZW7gfR7gEvtrU-0pRdyD-w.

相关热词搜索:自动络筒机 自络 空锭


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