2022-03-22 17:22:47   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(东营市宏远纺织有限公司,山东 东营   257500)
摘要:为了确保条并卷联合机运行状态良好,减少故障维修时间,满足高速高效生产要求,详述显示屏、变频器、电磁阀、光电传感器类电气故障表现,气缸、气控阀类气动部件故障表现,夹盘上升1 mm、经常性无故障停车、棉卷夹盘夹空管、夹盘上升到高位时动作停止、夹盘开闭动作不一致、送空管上升、机后棉条断条或涌条、满卷时机后断条或涌条类机械故障表现,并针对性分析其检修点。指出:条并卷联合机自动化、一体化水平高,自动监控能力强,用传感器监测、控制各气控元件动作准确;日常维护要从设备基础管理做起,将周期维护与状态维护相结合,认真检修、保养,减少保养漏点;加强技能培训,使员工全面掌握条并卷联合机构造原理,熟知机械、电气控制元件故障成因,能根据故障类型快速维修。
中图分类号:TS103.7            文献标志码:B            文章编号:1001-9634(2021)05-0025-05
Analysis and Troubleshooting Method of the Fault with Draw Frame and Lap Machine Combined
ZHANG Qingjun,WU Yuerong,CHEN Gailing,YANG Xiaoqing,CHENG Guifang
(Dongying Hongyuan Textile Co.,Ltd.,Dongying 257500,China)
Abstract:In order to ensure the good running status of draw frame and lap machine combined,reduce the maintenance time,and meet the requirements of high-speed and high-efficiency production,the fault performance is described in detail,and targeted analysis of its maintenance points is done.The fault performance includes the electrical faults of display screens,inverters,solenoid valves and photoelectric sensors,the failure performance of pneumatic components of cylinders and pneumatic control valves,the mechanical failure such as the chuck rising 1 mm,frequent trouble-free parking,lap chuck with empty tube,the action stopping when the chuck rises to the high position,the chuck opening and closing inconsistently,transmitting empty tube,sliver broken or gushing after the machine,and sliver broken or gushing after the machine in full coiling time. It is pointed out that the draw frame and lap machine combined has a high level of automation and integration,and has strong automatic monitoring capabilities.It uses sensors to monitor and control the accurate action of each pneumatic component.Daily maintenance should start with equipment basic management,and combine periodic maintenance with state maintenance.We should carefully overhaul and maintain to reduce maintenance leaks,and strengthen technical training to enable employees to fully grasp the structure principle of draw frame and lap machine combined,familiar with the causes of mechanical and electrical control component failures, and can quickly repair according to the failure type.
Key Words:draw frame and lap machine combined;solenoid valve;sensor;cylinder;pneumatic control valve;chuck;transmitting empty tube;cotton sliver;automatic barrel replacement
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相关热词搜索:条并卷联合机 电磁阀 传感器


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