2021-08-11 09:27:33   来源:   评论:0 点击:


(陕西长岭纺织机电科技有限公司,陕西 宝鸡   721013)
中图分类号:TS103        文献标志码:B       文章编号:1001-9634(2020)06-0044-04

Research and Application of the Intelligent On-line Detection System YZ-1 of Cotton Processing Line
AN Shaoyuan,GUO Jingyao,LIU Xiaogang
(Shaanxi Changling Textile Machinery Technology Co.,Ltd.,Baoji 721013,China)
Abstract:In order to control the quality of cotton fiber from the processing source,detect the ginning information in real time,and improve the processing quality of ginned cotton,the structure composition,working principle and testing principle of the intelligent on-line detection system YZ-1 of cotton processing line are introduced.The stability and reliability of the system test data are verified by comparing with the laboratory test data.It is pointed out that the YZ-1 system is installed with seed (ginned) cotton workstation in the cotton processing line,and connected with the production control system of ginning machine through network,it can detect moisture regain,impurity content and color grade of cotton in real time.Compared with the moisture regain tester XJ130,the difference of the data points of moisture regain curve by the system is smaller,and the difference of the information of impurity and color by the system is larger than that of the rapid cotton fiber property tester XJ128.The data tested by the system has a certain correlation with the data trend of the national public inspection laboratory,which can realize the network intelligent management and control,and achieve the goal of “matching gin according to the cotton”,but it is still necessary to optimize the algorithm model and establish the light source and temperature model.
Key Words:cotton processing;YZ-1 system;on-line detection;seed (ginned) cotton workstation;moisture regain;impurities;color;difference factor;intelligent management and control

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相关热词搜索:棉花加工 YZ-1型系统


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