2020-06-29 17:05:41   来源:   评论:0 点击:

(中国纺织机械(集团)有限公司,北京  100176)
中图分类号:TS183.4+9    文献标志码:A     文章编号:1001-9634(2019)05-0061-04
Analysis on Cutter Application Concept Taking the Cutter for Flat Knitting Machine for Example
ZHAI Fangyu
(China Textile Machinery(Group)Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100176,China)
Abstract:In order to reduce the processing process,shorten processing time,improve the efficiency and prolong the service life of cutter,taking a cutter for flat knitting machine manufacturing enterprise in Italy for example,the influence of the cutter material,coating,clamping methods and cuttering edge form on its performance are analyzed in detail,and it shows that the cutter material is the fundamental factor that determines the cutting performance of cutter,coating can improve the red hardness wear resistance of cutter,changing the clamping methods can improve the function level of cutter,and the characteristics of cutting edge form give different cutting functions.It is pointed out that the cutter should be reasonably selected,and especially the application of alloy material,the high performance and high speed steel and coating technology can improve the processing quality,precision and efficiency,and should be popularized.Roughing and finishing cutters should be distinguished,and the impact of the cutter clamping methods on processing should take seriously and suitable cutter should be designed according to the characteristics of parts,and the concept that a cutting edge is a cutter should be set up.
Key Words:cutter for flat knitting machine;material;coating;clamping method;cuttering edge form;efficiency;quality
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