2019-07-16 11:29:18   来源:   评论:0 点击:

马春琴,陈  艳
(江苏悦达纺织集团,江苏 盐城  224300)
中图分类号:TS104.2     文献标志码:B      文章编号:1001-9634(2019)02-0049-04
Study on Neps and Technological Tackling of Xinjiang Machine-picked Cotton
MA Chunqin,CHEN Yan
(Jiangsu Yueda Textile Group,Yancheng 224300,China)
Abstract:In order to have a smooth production of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton,the characteristics and processing difficulties of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton are analyzed.Through the optimization of raw material ratio,the control of blowing process and the optimization measures of carding process,highlight is given to the optimization of parameters of carding and blowing unit,the binding of card clothing, the configuration of partition of each carding component,the configuration of card clothing and the speed selection of sliver throughput. Production practice shows that proper mixing of Xinjiang machine-picked cotton with hand-picked cotton can effectively solve various problems existing in spinning:beating action can be reduced in blowing process,the air flow and cotton flow can be clear by the adjustment of line speed of the beater and the spacing of each part in the miscellaneous areas. Carding process can be optimized through parameters adjustment such as increasing the speed of cylinder,adopting new clothing with large teeth of heavy setting,and increase the height of the cylinder base.The maintenance of equipments is done by installing card clothing,checking the medium curvature gauge and checking the gauge of cylinder flat,and more,increasing the number of stationary front and rear top flats for height carding strength,and selecting reasonable speed for varieties of products are also necessary.
Key Words:hand-picked cotton;machine-picked cotton;mixing ratio;process optimization;defects;seed impurities;carding;neps;card clothing
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